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Universe Rescue summary

There isn’t any hope; the system loves itself. I got nabbed for a tracheostomy and am trying to figure how "developmentally disabled" people masterminded all this intricacy.It’s possible the Temple at Luxor/Thebes was built to be a LURE for the invaders but when they overran it none of the Egyptians was able to make violence against the "Autists;" maybe the mastaba building period started. The centuries of wars showed the parasires thriving without means of eradication and maybe the gods decided to assist with this (MK–Ultra) Plan but it will wind up like the Temple attempt. A best-case scenario might be Space science fiction storuea of earthling-coyples’ being launched to seek homes in the infinity. Etc.

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Keep cool with Coolidge


File:Delphische Sibylle (Michelangelo).jpg

File:Tad Dorgan 1919.jpgFamous cartoonist TAD, Thomas A. Dorgan, around vaudeville 1910-time with the Al Jolson, Eddie Cantor, Milton Berle and Johns Hopkins pirate types from the Restoration period I have to return to. If there was any realness to any superiority I wouldn’t still be being sabotaged like they do; I have to compare the years on the Restoration to Blackbeard and associated findings too now. Then Galveston near here has got a good painting toward all this trending around the buccaneer Henry Morgan. This is the same group from Dante. The space findings show/ed they don’t know or care what they’re doing. And they haven’t let me even see how yesterday’s send arrived. Both those and these 2 are PD for age. — I checked my Sent file and it’s a disaster of link-text. This first piece is detail from the Celtic sibyl below here under that French Caylus detour for that sphinx piece. There seems a big poison ritual attached to it.

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24 November, 2022 11:59

"They" won’t let me get this on the cellphone, only way is I can send from here.

(English Charles II’s daughter Charlotte Fitzroy with an Indian servant girl, by Peter Lely, 1674; note the sheep or goat in the background. "Grape" in Spanish is "uva.")
Last week it seems I was trying to prepare this description of that everything could be blamed on Allen Dulles and moved along from and I went to double-check on Rep. Hale Boggs for Louisiana that Dulles seems to be looking at in this otherwise cropped White House photo around LBJ’s being presented with the Warren Report, and that went into Huey Long’s assassination and to the Laffite/Lafitte Pirates and burgeoning medical world and Sam Rayburn and Martin and Lewis now back to Henry Morgan and Christopher Myng and then I just saw this on England’s Charles II’s illeg. daughter I’ll try to paste in. I have all these open subjects toward showing that the Ghent "Jomon" pursued their world-takeover using for big instance me as a human shield. I’ll have to look that phrase up also too "now." Looking up dumb stuff for the long holiday in place of anything proactive. Then they won’t even let me see if this looks okay till maybe tomorrow so I have to keep trying till they do.

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They found a place for me to go

But it’s the day after I found evidence that’s too controversial for me to mention here in general, as it involves 2 foreign countries who might take it wrong, along with just the new Yahweh realization that that was the homeless-feeling former-islanders, etc. I might be readied out of here even overnight, have to prepare. This new finding is so “sensitive” that I’m not safe anywhere, place to live not any barrier to this sort of stereotype.

File:Ancient Egypt Bronze Sphinx (28346154771).jpg
Photo by Gary Todd from Xinzheng, China, CC0 1.0 Space

It looks the face of the “Ghent Altarpiece’s ‘Pill-grim boy'” and the Louvre had gotten it from the Collection of the Comte de Caylus. I barely found anything on him last night but today it’s a relative landslide and mostly I’d never learn about this wild 17″ bronze piece. Caylus might have half lived at the Louvre like working making the museum and seems to have done etchings like are all over, like pseudo hyroglyphs I found one mention so far. Besides the face his hands seem in the Saint/e Foy position. Researching Paris leads is more time than I can spend on this but it’s the step-by-step to the horrors. Louis the 14th’s court it seems he was raised in or with.

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What they’re listening to seems the Autism

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I’m trying to put these under the new Sphinx but I can’t actually get here…

Caylus standing below😛 but facing right
File:Salon de Madame Geoffrin.jpg

"In the Salon of Madame Geoffrin," by Lemmonier, 1812, depicting a 1755 dramatic reading of a piece by Voltaire. The guy who left this 17" Sphinx to the Louvre, room 643, case 16, I can’t put a mark to show unless I send separately later. I can’t experiment easily because I can’t get to here to delete if it doesn’t work, as with trying the 3 here already, this seems the safest way. I think they have this just o outside of Paris at Napoleon’s first wife’s house Chateau Malmaison. The Sphinx-owner is the Comte de Caylus. He’s turned opposite everyone else and as though accusing someone, maybe the economist Quesney in that group of three, and maybe at the instigation of this Bartolomeo or Fortunato de Felice right behind him in the back row behind the chairs. They call Caylus the founder of French archaeology. Uhohh. They’re listening to Voltaire’s story ( L’Orphelin de la Chine (a tragedy about Ghengis Khan and his sons,) based on a 13th-century tale, Orphan of Zhao.) Caylus and Quesnay do look similar and like slightly younger Benjamin Franklin. Maybe it’s a ritual for them getting rid of their own selves for the Jomon-type Voltaire-type, them still stamping out me by this "Armageddon Program." Fortunato/Sidney Gottlieb setting up Caylus by saying Quesnay had made a pass at him. Checking Voltaire again now he’s got the "Gottlieb" type of look. — The attachments show a work by Forrest Harrisburger he’s donating to the government through Ret’d. Col. Milton E. Mitler of Gerald Ford’s office for the Bicentennial, them standing right and left respectively. Wearing wigs seems insane but figure how the mask-wearing would seem, and the many subjects involved.
One English-language mention of this Comte de Caylus said he’d hired so many brigands as bodyguards for going into Istanbul that he’d infested it. He’d gotten this familiar-faced Sphinx from a friend named Maurepas but that might be a friend like Fortunato-Gottlieb. There’s a small bit about the sphinx left to translate. I think the upraised hands reference St. Foy’s and might be about addiction to the you-know-what that this blog is trying to explain about. I hope this gets there okay.

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Comparison Collage


File:Egypte louvre 285 scribe.jpgPhoto: Guillaume Blanchard aka Aoineko CC2.0CC2.0

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LURE warning as standard usual only


… the just found evidence for this Armageddon to me, from WWI Warsaw time but have to sign out again now. 5 Oct., evidence for impostoring for an unpaid-bill retribution onto me and have to sign out to feel “secure.”

I did find a link from the SCceiling to the Ghent piece in the Delphic Sibyl’s like the Ghent’s Cumaean, then the other’s’ kid has a fire at her…

These are all from within the Ghent’s attic captivity paradigm that Zechariah, (Ghent l. attic prophet, latched onto my type of the “sibyl” captives,) probably of former-Jomon islanders misinformed by the dinosaur-extinctors, told them reality is like is so and maybe the newborns’ type is with most of those horse-riders on the lower left of the open Ghent Altarpiece while my archetype’s type putti got turned into that Pill-grim boy on the right open side behind red-cloaked St. Christopher and was all mis-directed in other ways but all of it is within this captivity to misinformed prehistorics about the missing food from previously extincted food- animals. I mean that the inferno-Autists’ know-it-all arranged most of the system for the Zechariah-turned-Yahweh who’s thriving off of victimizing my type without any understanding of the situation outside of their own selves’ situation with the Autism-afflicted people and heir different arrival times into the Old World. Now we have communication abilities and current-Yahweh/s have everyone told to ignore m e and my type as we’re traditionally victimized, or such as is made up amongst the accumulated new brain-eaters, shudder shudder.

Delphica sibyl on Sistine Chapel ceiling appears to me descended from the Ghent Altarpiece's Cumaean Sibyl on the right in the closed doors' attic view. PD for age.

Delphica sibyl on Sistine Chapel ceiling appears to me descended from the Ghent Altarpiece’s Cumaean Sibyl on the right in the closed doors’ attic view. PD for age.



Ghent Pill-grim boy

Ghent Altarpiece detail, “Pill-grim boy,” low left open, Pillgrim behind the large-size St. Christopher.





Henry IV receiving book from Anthony Woodbridge, (2nd?) Earl of Rivers with William Caxton, Royal family, odd hand signal on upper left.

Henry IV receiving book from Anthony Woodbridge, (2nd?) Earl of Rivers with William Caxton, Royal family, odd hand signal on upper left.

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Beware the LURE that’s run off of me! — I found the Autist … Those who do not remember the past…



This is going to take alot of research and the illustrations-finding while under the MIOC-Zech’s torture. Over the entrance and Garden of Eden Creation fresco Zechariah from the Ghent Altarpiece or somehow even vice-versa has become bald and reminds me of John D. Rockefeller in advanced age, but the whole thing is wild. I’d been there briefly in 1976 and will try to organize this better later but they’re the Autist-Jomon setting up this cannibal-based nightmare stenching earth to eventual death because Zechariah’s type runs the system so Jonah’s type is kept happy but Jonah’s type’s Autism has got an obsession with extinction as part of that Autism from way-Prehistory back of misleading people to try to find the source of the sun and only wants to stay high and party as king of a crowd like on the ceiling. They have charisma. I think that comes down to feeding friends via Zechariah’s system. That blue “gaming board” might be an outline design for what became that ceiling.

This is the Yahweh that had sent Jonah for an instance. PD through Wikimedia.



I’ll try to include the copy of Zechariah and the PDs next.

31 Aug. 2022

Those who forget/do not remember…  is reference to Jonah-descendant at least more or less Rev. Jim Jones FOR WHERE ALL THIS IS HEADED. Next I’m trying to read on Elisha Elijiah but it’s becoming obvious that the book of books was always a Jomon scam.

9 Sept.

Wikipedia has these in their article (on) Martin Luther’s Bible Translation, so that this is an example of how Yaweh and El- got mixed up with “God,” from c. 1455, OT then NT, from 1545 edition:
Am anfang schuff Gott Himel vnd Erden. Vnd die Erde war wüst und leer / und es war finster auff der Tieffe / Vnd der Geist Gottes schwebet auff dem Wasser. Und Gott sprach / Es werde Liecht / Und es ward Liecht.
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet / das er seinen eingeboren Son gab / Auff das alle die an jn gleuben / nicht verloren werden / sondern das ewige Leben haben.
“The basis for Luther’s version of the Old Testament was the Massoretic text as published by Gerson Ben Mosheh at Brescia in 1494.”
Quoted from Philip Schaff, 1910 church history link they have and Gerson is of the renown Soncino press that links to my oft-mentioned Nasi difficulty-set but besides that I looked up Soncino and it’s a town near Milan where they’d done printing for awhile and I got a suspicion of a link to Dante Alighieri’s “Inferno” underworld where he’d gotten lost to find’s being around there somewhere and his idea to set them all up to learn writing for copy-work and letters then story-writing for those who didn’t want to learn painting or meal-preparation, as how the Autists were lifted to the situation we have today.
12 Sept, I can’t turn off that italic right now, and can’t do much else here like this. Waiting for study assist I went back to this about the Pill-grim boy and it seems the system might have “planted-a-gene-A’d” him and that history is so complex. It’s the pattern with Ruth following Naomi it’s seeming, like setting-up genocide excuses for later like this to me was set up prepared for the Autist-Jomon takeover, getting rid of people not from their approved-of ovaries.
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I feel lucky to get this far, Monday 8/29, and will sign out again before trouble except that the Jomon partner to the Autist Jonah became Yahweh/Yahweh of the armies…


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“‘Magic’ Explained”


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Suze Rotolo, 1943-2011


File:Caravaggio - Saint Catherine of Alexandria (post-restoration image).jpg

Above, Suze Rotolo, 1943-2011

then St. Catherine of Alexandria by Caravaggio, c.1598.

File:Martirio de Santa Catalina, por Fernando Gallego.jpg

The invisible and unprovable torture to me seems to come from a figure like standing on the left I think is a self-portrait of Fernando Gallego (1440-1507, Salamanca, Spain,) the artist of this”Martyrdom of Santa Caterina/Catalina,” PD for age.

Retablo is the board behind the victim.

File:Francisco Gallego-retablo de Santa Catalina.jpg
https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Francisco_Gallego-retablo_de_Santa_Catalina.jpg; Provincial Fine Arts Museum.

The burnt book links her to the library fire of Alexandria and the system seems to have become obsessed to make up for the loss by replacing with better written materials to what we have now. It’s the same pattern as replacing God or Zeus and his Adam with new God and Adam and the people manufactured like printed copies. I’ll try to find more on thewheel-invention because new Adam-Autisst might have taken them from this type and want to erase about that theft as the Wheel is theirs to go zooming around by.by.by.by.by.by.by.by

File:Johann Lucas Kracker - The Dispute between St Catherine of Alexandria and the Philosophers - WGA12267.jpg

Two images of St. Catherine (18 years old,) of Alexandria, Egypt’s “disputing.” The top one is by Johann Lukas Kracker, 1775, (in or near Vienna)

File:Pinturicchio - St Catherine's Disputation - WGA17820.jpgFresco over a doorway in the Hall of Saints in the Borgia Apartments of the Vatican, by Pinturiccio, 1492-94.

(See Comments when replaced, temporarily missing…)

Random gaming board in the Borgia Apartments (Picture by me) S. Morris, TheBorgiaBull dot com. (12/2/17 to here, URKF.)

Check adding the Ceres here.

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10 July, 2022 16:17

I’m in the hospital again, sending this by gmail-cellphone because I can’t reach here, the error message says the connection has been reset. As ever there isn’t any interest in my claims but there’s a potential and I’m sending this copy of me (standing) for background that this same system-plague was all over me that day in 1960 same as now. I could write the nano-details over again later. Then that went into the 1962 "French Connection" spin-off of the unsuccessful MK-Ultra Project with the AGinsberg volunteer with the stereotypic-driving force to the ICU here. Then I’d joined the military, and civilian to San Francisco where I got this "Armageddon Program" set up as a post-Watergate ruse from the system for its world do-over decided when Jomon stepped off their island with Autist-psychopath invaders they’d fallen in love with, inventing this system for them without realizing they’d extincted megafauna since the dinosaurs and then the peoples. I hope they don’t sabotage the potential I’d seen here, usual make an offer they can’t refuse or any of the tricks. The Jomon wouldn’t farm to feed their own families because of all the confusions but their space race showed that they don’t know what they’re doing and should have re-assessed instead of the Watergate/Bathgate Avenue Market, Bronx made-up horror they’d readied for themselves that leaves earth doomed for lack of the re-assessment effort or just letting me live without this invisible imprisonment crime of all. Etc.

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Pelosi went to the Vatican for Communion today!*

The only book I didn’t get to look at was some modern Complete Book on Blood, it disappeared before I could get around to it and I knew I’d mistakes for not trying to find it. So that is the big difference too. Maybe I can manage this. Was wanting to call this sleep doctor. My German fraud paternal grandmother used to tell me to drink that from the platter, where they’d have been chased up to there by the della Roveres and Raphaels’ ancestry from the Autists, probably. I’m thinking now, 3 years later than she’d given her permission for me to take and use this odd photo of the odd gouged-into a. window seat there, that it might have been planned route for Alaska to Europe for their blood-siphonings from here to there.

* This must be some error of mine, where I woke and saw that and thought it was a response to my finally getting to this subject and I copied the file/post with that title as the only difference between the 2 but then forgot why there were two and deleted the wrong one due to all these difficulties of trying to prevent the end of the earth.  “Etc.”

Random gaming board in the Borgia Apartments (Picture by me) Sarah Morrisson, check sp.,,

I can’t figure why I’ve got 2 copies of this here and one on the cellphone but have to get some sleep, have like a lethal sleep and toilet and food and stomach curse set on me.


Courtesy from tourist ship in Genoa through Twice25 & Rinina25 • CC BY 2.5. -- is a carved ornamental of ship used in a/the Pirate movie that looks about the same as some of the stereotypes that get this Armageddon done off of me.

Courtesy from tourist ship in Genoa through Twice25 & Rinina25 • CC BY 2.5. — is a carved ornamental of ship used in a/the Pirate movie that looks about the same as some of the stereotypes that get this Armageddon done off of me.

It’s so bad I’m starting to think the D***** brothers might have been Great Lakes-ateers in past lives.

This carved example is like Alexander Graham and Melvin Bell’s type, became Castro for instance and my AGinsberg life-leech. They keep their cannibalism-system secret for their brain-harvesting/-farming intents. They’ve been developmentally disabled parasites since the Autist-psychopaths mis-introduced them to the Old World mainland and showed how to get cooked food from all those/us thieves only anyway.

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Moses taking leave of Jethro, by Jan Victors, c. 1650


Detail close-up, Detail from "Moses taking leave of Jethro" his father-in-law, by Jan Victors circa 1680, Wkimedia PD., me paraphrasing because these captions get lost when a detail's already been readied otherwise because if I don't do it now I likely won't get to it for a long while again.

Detail close-up, Detail from “Moses taking leave of Jethro” his father-in-law, by Jan Victors circa 1680, Wkimedia PD.


Detail from Ferdinand Gallego triptych I misplaced the name of, maybe he'd called this one carrying the babe on his shoulders S. Cristobal.

Detail from Ferdinand Gallego triptych I misplaced the name of, maybe he’d called this one carrying the babe on his shoulders S. Cristobal.

It’s looking like Jethro was doing the people-manufacturing. His type had likely been the pirates, retiring to unused land-area as others’ ships multiplied toward finding out about this secret energy-source of their Yahweh/Jade Butterfeld on Lanka.

Check the U.S.-Barbary Wars and treaties bearing in mind that the Jomon were doing this “play-directing” scam already with fast-made people-performers organized against any normals.

Detail from a Fernando Gallego triptych I have to re-find the title of, this from the San Cristobal panel on the right PD for age through Wikimedia.

Detail from a Fernando Gallego triptych I have to re-find the title of, this from the San Cristobal panel on the right
PD for age through Wikimedia.


Ghent Pill-grim Boy

Ghent A. Pill-grim boy


The usual "Ghent Altarpiece" detail I use for describing the "666" business, that that's the boy's idea as the number of births per ovary kept rising to make more new people. PD.

The usual “Ghent Altarpiece” detail I use for describing the “666” business, that that’s the boy’s idea as the number of births per ovary kept rising to make more new people. PD.

The world had already been overrun to ruins before the Autist-psychopaths reached the Jomon islanders and mis-introduced them to the mainland where they’d felt most comfortable in and then near Egypt and started war against non-Autist survived remnant people’s the Autists still found around.


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I think it is ritually-saying, “I’m in charge here.”… — It’s so quiet here that I suspect the system is setting up for huge F’s Day LURE-holocaust numbers.

2/23/81, Goldwater gifting Reagan with Ray Renfroe 2 bronze pieces

Senator Goldwater, Rep. AZ, gifting Reagan on Feb. 23, 1981 with 2 bronze pieces by Ray Renfroe, on left.

Wiki PD under here:

  I’ve been looking to find which horse statue Goldwater had given him for inaugural housewarming for awhile, mentioned in only one of the biographies.  I figure that when he got shot outside the Hilton about 5 weeks later and was likely to notice the nearby equestrian statue with McClellan on his way in or then out of the building he’d connect Goldwater’s present with the shooting as the 2 horses are similar.

— [ Clearing the title line: — These new people might think that I’m somehow aware of or any party to this unspeakably huge holocaust-LURE set up; Check Mr. Hinckley, Jr. “comes from” Frank Hamer, d. 1955; The Newtown/Sandy Hook Asperger-boy seems obvious too now; On this cellphone the Buffalo and Uvalde “shooters/psychos” look similar and then to someone I’d known in high school — ] —

— I think I just found a linchpin in a guy like on the left side that I’m labelling as Autist in this example:

Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum; detail from Dec. 2019 exhibit program.

Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum; detail from Dec. 2019 exhibit program. Photo is the 6th image down, http://www.FordLibraryMuseum.gov





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Autist-Jomon partnership (example); they anthropomorphize “‘God’ and are going to beat ‘im up” with cartoon-head thinking

Then they went to the Bronx, Crotona Park together, in 1931, and filmed “The Struggle”

about alcoholism they say. I got born nearby and the Jomon/Bel-types weaved me into this TOTAL PLANET EXTINCTION they are forcing by denying my freedom of speech except where it’s useful out of context for their world-takeover purposes, all what I’m usually trying to get across.


Courtesy OpenStreetMap.org) In 1931 Griffith used that Biograph studio for "The Struggle" film I haven't yet seen, then in 1932 P.S. 66 where I later started kindergarten was built, then right above the blue "66" I penned in to mark that is the building we'd lived in from 21960-63, marked with the green and blue dots and above that the building from 1956-60, and above that I put a green and blue set to mark where Dr. Sidney Gottlieb of the MK-Ultra Project had been born and raised from 1918. Maybe I should put a dot to note where Trotsky had lived in 1918.

(Courtesy OpenStreetMap.org) In 1931 Griffith used that Biograph studio for “The Struggle” film I haven’t yet seen, then in 1932 P.S. 66 where I later started kindergarten was built, then right above the blue “66” I penned in to mark that is the building we’d lived in from 21960-63, marked with the green and blue dots and above that the building from 1956-60, and above that I put a green and blue set to mark where Dr. Sidney Gottlieb of the MK-Ultra Project had been born and raised from 1918. Maybe I should put a dot to note where Trotsky had lived in 1918.

I don’t want to annoy anyone so I’m putting the link from Wikipedia to the Internet Archive and you’d search for “D.W. Griffith Intolerance” and it’d be the first choice on the right, the way I’m doing it goes like that:

Griffith maybe wanted it secret that he’d worked on or even had made the 1940 “One Million B.C.” It’s said to have the “cutest” I paraphrase, dinosaur special effects.

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Reprise: Watch out for Jim Jonestown, Guyana-type repeating small holocausts tactic-strategy; LURE is they make believe that Voting by the pigeons could get the monster/s to release me and the forced extinction would somehow disappear, where really they’ve entrapped the voters and nothing has changed about their parasitism all over the Earth


https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Edwin_Long_002.jpg -- I keep doing this incompletely

https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Edwin_Long_002.jpg — 19th-century depiction Detail, doesn’t show Pharoah’s daughter on this left side of the painting but 2 of the handmaids’ discovering baby Moses in a basket from amongst the reeds in the Nile.



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+The Ghent Altarpiece opens and closes like a cabinet with about 12 paintings in each mode. When this closed mode is opened the main painting is this “Adoration of the Mystic Lamb.” The bottom painting, the predella,  has been missing for about 500 years. On the far-right bottom row are the (Holy) Hermits and then the (Holy) Pilgrims, with St. Christopher in the bid red cloak leading them as into the “Adoration.”

Ghent Pilgrims

Ghent Pilgrims, St. Christopher in the big red cloak and the Pill-grim boy in the group with a blue dot that I put on his orange sweater. That might be St. Andrew learning in the front row.


Ghent Pill-grim Boy

Ghent A. Pill-grim boy


Gallego's Triptyych of the Virgin of the Rose," right-side panel, Salamanca c. 1480.

Gallego Triptych, San Crristobal; The smaller blue dot is pointing out a next generation of the c. 1432 Ghent Altarpiece’s “Pill-grim boy” in this main detail from Fernando Gallego’s c. 1480 “Triptych of the Virgin of the Rose’s” wing of San Cristobal/Christopher with these 4 or more others, the second blue dot looking like his young follower. I’ll have to check that that’s St. Andrew and he looks like the one learning on the then-saint’s left side on the Ghent A.



Frank Hamer, 1884-1955, Texas Ranger, shot Clyde Barrow

Frank Hamer, 1884-1955, Texas Ranger; clic…..


Modern beefed-up Pill-grim

Beefed-up Pill-grim boy-666 Christ-child


Earl Warren 1891-1974

Earl Warren 1891-1974

Deriabin memo,£ KGB  showing their power and omniscience,


Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.


April 30 2022 Saturday the monsters won’t let me save this, the new bit about the Scribe model going to this Bronx Armageddon brain eaters torture world production company. — The button-location changes with the blocks.

Mies van Dar Rohe, behind the MK-Ultra victims

Detail of Mies van der Rohe cropped from the Hilbersheimer photo courtesy the Burnham Archive (check name there, Univ
Of Chicago,) with detail from MK-Ultra victims at White House in 1975.

When people don’t know the source of lsd it seems fabulous but if they know that that’s because it’s actually brain serum then that explains that and they don’t have to get high off of it. I say about the same thing about anthropophagy, that it would peter away if it wasn’t kept a secret, but now this 1975 photo’s citation just arrived, I have to translate it to a photo credit for here.

Courtesy the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library

Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library; July 11, 1975 with family of 1953 victim Frank Olson, Chief of Staff Donald Rumsfeld far right.



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Practice, Pill-grim boy/



Detail of upper story from closed "Ghent Altarpiece" with blue dot to note the character that I relate to because she's suffering and that Jomon on the left is like my "difficulty," with all this, it seems her difficulty-set might be real similar in that it's the same world-destroying parasitism holding her prisoner, etc. PD for its age, from Wikipedia.

Detail of upper story from closed “Ghent Altarpiece” with blue dot to note the character that I relate to because she’s suffering and that Jomon on the left is like my “difficulty,” with all this, it seems her difficulty-set might be real similar in that it’s the same world-destroying parasitism holding her prisoner, etc. PD for its age, from Wikipedia.


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