1- the Vajiravudh

I’m getting all kinds of weirdo comments but only to this first and messiest of the posts, that i didn’t think anyone was noticing but spam-comment after comment mentions that it’s from this, somehow, so I’ll have to try to clean it up but leave a copy here for returning to because it’s such a big subject. There’s some other difficulty I should mention but can’t recall right now. — It’s that the 12 comments are only from 2019, today being the 17th, so that I’d guess that any/all of the 2018 comments that I’d never checked in the Spam-comments section before were disappeared.

1, Vajiravudh (check also John Philip Sousa to Siam?) Rose Blumkin pics.

Vajiravudh and Rose Blumkin pics .pdf, 21 October 2015, but then I’ve learned about Rosalind/Rosalynn Yalow, Bronx nuclear physics Nobel laureate that looks from Blumkin and might be where the fraud-parent had come from. Ms. Blumkin was connected closely with Warren Buffett, originating from Minsk, 1893. — 5/18/17, now I’ve got that John Philip Sousa was born and raised around this Washington, DC waterfront that I’m near, and he was likely on a tour that could have come into contact with Vajiravudh’s pater, the Peter Paul Rubens’ type-descendant of Chulalongkorn, retroactively named Rama V then.

Rama VI, Vajiravudh, d. 1925, Siam

Rose Blumkin, b. 1893, Minsk

I’ll have to try to get these cropped later.

— I guess nuclear physicist Roslyn Yalow was from Ms. Blumkin’s ovae and might have been “crossed with” Vajiravudh to wind up with the “fraud-parent.” (9/7/17)

— I’m going to re-type this, from 8/20/16 and just loose on the upper-Menu, the “Royalty theme,” and Siam,

For reasons of being stuck having to try to look into everything possible I’ve come across this idea that the fraud-parent I’m referring to’s ancestor might have been this Rama VI Vajiuravudh who’d allegedly passed in 1924 or 1926, a “Warrior King.” To make it further-fetched sounding I think that that guy, ditching his old life because Siam was running out of food for all this entourage and himself, had gone to Sicily and assumed the identity of a guy that then immigrated to New York and allegedly got killed in 1932 or 1934, Ferdinand Boccia, but I think he’d then become an underworld “Shadow” character. I’m trying to explain that the system is based under the other side of the planet and Siam is like a straight drop south from that area around Siberia, where I’d made that map of. Besides that it seems that “Royalty” is a regular system-paradigm but it’s because the Autists and then their “Neanderthal” and other buddies have developmental dysfunctions and to get them to quit decapitating the slaves like the Jesus father and son said, Just sit there and let us take care of everything and they go and they set up these phony thrones and order-giving slavery of others, and then let the Autists come and preside over what’d been created, royal house after royal house there’s that pattern, and the same with businesses and anything else, just sit there and be entertained and we’ll go do the work for you, or else the system-people would have just snuck-around sneak-decapitating from place to place without this what of “civilization” that we do have. Also on that line I’m likely to have been, through Florence Sabin a lab-worker, illicitly-descended from the short Queen Victoria of England. Most people around anymore are likely from some such mass-reproduced line or another of phonied-up royalty-world. — added, that now I’m realizing that many of those Siamese royal Ramas and their queens have been mass-reproduced to be all kinds of people. (straighten out the grammar later, and I’ve yet to fill-in about the Rose Blumkin business, etc.)


#186, allegedly Vajiravudh Rama VI shortly before he passed

Vajiravudh, Feb. 1925.pdf

younger-time statue:

#145, Vajiravudh, Rama VI

Vajiravudh_ Rama VI.pdf

That leaf behind the right ear (likely) represents that the type just wants all others to “leave!” get lost, disappear, go be a refuge or drown or whatever but get gone. Then those, to my figuring because I’ve been trying to find assistance for decades to get out of this horror-situation “perils of Pauline” I’m always in so I’m always trying to figure what the problems are and how to find evidence that will be convincing enough for anyone to get up and make a change into my situation, so I’m figuring that what’s “invisibly” going on around me is that around 1934 this guy that the statue here is of was secretly planted underneath the Bronx in a people-manufacturing “Brave New World” -type situation, and those “roundheads” are all around me all these years doing this secret LURE that rids the planet of normals and replaces them with system-types. kf

img 20170709 113840
(have to store the below here like this for now)

JDRockefeller.pdf, John D. Rockefeller in 1933 Siamese Kingdom Exhibition book

— don’t let these distract from the Rockefeller photo please: allegedly Vajiravudh Rama VI shortly before he passed Vajiravudh, Feb. 1925.pdf younger-time statue: Vajiravudh, Rama VIVajiravudh_ Rama VI.pdf That leaf behind the right ear (likely) represents that the type just wants all others to “leave!” get lost, disappear, go be a refuge or drown or whatever but get gone. Then those, to my figuring because I’ve been trying to find assistance for decades to get out of this horror-situation “perils of Pauline” I’m always in so I’m always trying to figure what the problems are and how to find evidence that will be convincing enough for anyone to get up and make a change into my situation, so I’m figuring that what’s “invisibly” going on around me is that around 1934 this guy that the statue here is of was secretly planted underneath the Bronx in a people-manufacturing “Brave New World” -type situation, and those “roundheads” are all around me all these years doing this secret LURE that rids the planet of normals and replaces them with system-types. kf



The Rama VI Vajiravudh made a huge tour of the U.S. in 1903 I think it was, when Teddy Roosevelt was president I think. He visited like in factories all over the place before returning to Siam from school in England, Cambridge, and I’m sure his ejaculation had been spread to all over the place, reminded of that Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry now with that about the JFK assassination paperwork in the news lately. — The Internet says he was born 1913 in mid-Texas. The pictures of him look alot like my fraud-parent. (I’m so bad off that I’d written to him from the hospital after the car-hit to ask about his whereabouts at the time of that assassination but really I don’t ever get replies from anybody. I’ll try to type a copy of that letter onto here somewhere.) The government/s ought to assist that I could try to sit to read and figure to explain this Siamese “royalty” business.