may 20 2020 hux

Brave New World Revisited, a p.,13, 2nd chapter, Quantity, Quality, Morality, he describes the Bokanovsky Process to fertilize for 96 identical twins and then the sabotage, … The creatures decanted (finally, this is difficult typing, in the Comments section,) finally did ecanted were almost subhuman; but they were capable of performing unskilled work and, when properly conditioned, detensioned by free and frequent access to the opposite sex, constantly distracted by gratuitous entertainment and reinforced in their good behavior patterns by daily doses of soma, would be counted on to give no trouble to their superiors.
I married Joan, life with Elizabeth

— 18 May, 2020, I’m trying to lessen paper by matchg notes to here but Huxley doesn’t have a post file, just a couple of the page files. The invisible torture is terrifying me with the “arena” or larger place, coliseum, noise effect and out of nowhere hiking up the given number of visitors to this blog all of a sudden, etc., while I’m stuck in this Joseph Brant Alexander g bell western NY Mohawk quagmire, endless reading that could go to if you’re already insane